● We are committed to serve the poor and vulnerable in our society, primarily focusing on Oral
Health promotion. With appropriate education Oral Health Awareness of children will
improve and lead to prevention, early detection of oral diseases and treatment options at the
right time.
● We aim to decrease the financial burden of oral diseases in the general population. Our focus
is to enhance the oral health status of our children which in time will lead to a much
decreased load on the public and private health systems.
● Our Foundation aims to present a sustained activity of arranging free camps for treatment of
oral diseases; accordingly, we will generate matching funds from local donors.
● We want to create a system of philanthropy that would enhance the capacity of Government
without imposing any financial burden on it. We want to achieve a national outreach
program by inducting members from all over Pakistan, and to maintain a secure platform to
continue serving the future of the nation in every city, town and village.
● We want to create a bridge between donors, volunteers and recipients creating an
environment of positivity and mutual benefit. We dream of creating a society where the
highest level of health services is available to one and all with ease of accessibility and
without financial concerns.