Root Canal Treatment

A root canal treatment is a procedure to save your tooth nerves and can be performed by a dentist. This is a very specialized treatment that often requires advanced training and experience to perform safely. If you are unsure if your dentist has the right training or experience, we recommend speaking with them before scheduling an appointment. That needs to be addressed during this procedure.

How does RCT Of Teeth work?

The RCT of teeth involves removing all the pulp and pulp chamber from the tooth and filling it with an inert material such as calcium hydroxide (CaCO3) or composite resin. This gives you a smooth surface so that there is no risk of infection due to bacteria entering through any cracks in your teeth. The endodontist also removes any disease, as well as any remaining sensitive nerve endings left behind by trauma or decay within these areas of untreated tissue. 

The root canal treatment can resolve dental infections caused by eg. deep cavities, cracks in teeth, trauma, and untreated fillings.

Types of Endodontic Treatment

Once you have received an initial diagnosis from our dentist, we will recommend how best to treat your symptoms with one of our many methods available:

Filling Only:

If there are no signs of infection then this option may be suitable for some people who do not want any further work done on their mouth or feel comfortable doing so themselves at home over time; however, it does rely on good oral hygiene being maintained throughout recovery period as receding gums may make re-filling difficult after completion of an initial filling treatment plan.

Crown Only:

If your tooth is still damaged, a crown or filling may be needed so that it can support itself against further damage from decay or other problems. If there is no further need for treatment at this stage, then no further treatment may be required.

Temporary Bridge:

If your tooth is still damaged, a crown or filling may be needed so that it can support itself against further damage from decay or other problems. If there is no further need for treatment at this stage, then no further treatment may be required.

RCT treatment can be carried out over one or several visits – how many visits will depend on your individual circumstances.

When Root Canal Treatment is needed?

Root canal treatment is required when dental X-rays show that the pulp has been damaged by a bacterial infection. The pulp may come inflamed if it’s infected by bacteria, allowing the bacteria to multiply and spread.

The symptoms of a pulp infection include:

As the infection progresses, these symptoms frequently vanish as the pulp dies. Your tooth also appears to have healed, but the infection has in fact spread through the root conduit system.

You ultimately get further symptoms similar as:

It’s important to see your dentist if you develop toothache. However, the pulp can not heal by itself, If your tooth is infected. 

Leaving the infected tooth in your mouth may make it worse.

There may also be less chance of the root conduit treatment working if the infection within your tooth becomes established.

How root canal remedy is Carried Out

To treat the contamination within the root canal, the bacteria need to be removed.

This could be executed through either:

This can be finished via either:

Before having root canal treatment, you may normally be given a nearby anesthetic. This skill method must be painless and no greater disagreeable than having a filling. After the bacteria has been removed, the root canal is stuffed and the tooth is sealed with a filling or crown. In most instances, the infected tissue close to the tooth will heal naturally. Root canal cure is normally successful. In about 9 out of 10 instances a tooth can continue to exist for up to 10 years after root canal treatment.

Recovering from root canal Treatment

In most instances, it’s possible to save you the want for further root canal remedies by way of:

If you resume normal activities too soon after the procedure, it can result in an infection at the same time as performing oral hygiene. This is because bacteria are able to grow in your mouth without being exposed to air during this time period (and therefore away from antibiotic treatment). The length of recovery depends on how old the tooth was when we removed it and how many teeth were extracted at once; however, generally speaking, most patients will be able to resume although we are providing the best possible Root Canal Treatment in Lahore, therefore, our experts ensure you the speedy and reliable recovery.

Normal activities within two weeks if they follow our instructions carefully: